Nancy Kimball’s Bird Program


Bird Program


This Wednesday, (July 20th from 10:30-11:30 am) Nancy Kimball will

be joining us for a Owl and Hawk demonstration.

*Nancy Kimball is with North Country Wildcare, for more information on this organization click here.

*Update:  Our program was great with 23 joining us today.  Thank you North Country Wildcare for such an educational demonstration.



Volunteers Needed!

There is still time to sign up to volunteer! 

We need help July 25th – July  27 th from 9 am -12 pm to sort books and prepare for the sale.

Please sign up to bake an item for our Bake Sale to help support our library.

volunteers needed


Amazing Turn Out for Star Lab!



We are so happy to announce that we had 55 children attend our Star Lab this morning!  Wow!  We had so much fun!

From Pixels to Paint Art Exhibit

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Cal Daz brings us From Pixels to Paint:  Folk Art Expression of the Adirondacks

Cal Daz is a retired social worker who resides in the Adirondack Park full time with her husband.  They happily spend their winters on Gore and their summers on ponds and peaks within the blue line.  The park inspires her art.  “I bring my iphone on all my Adirondack adventures but my pics always remain trapped inside.  I had to paint them to set them free.  Welcome to my world though my eye (phone).”  ~Cal Daz

Please join us Thursday, July 14th at 6:00 PM